Nomination Committees

Nomination Committee 2023/24

In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by Dustin’s general meeting, the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed, based on the ownership structure as of 31 March 2024.

  • Marie Ehrling, Axel Johnson AB, Chair of the Nomination Committee
  • Sophie Larsén, AMF Pension & Funds Jens Browaldh, Altor
  • Tomas Franzén, Chair of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can send them to the secretary of the Nomination Committee by post, Dustin Group AB, Attn. Charlotte Törnberg, Box 1194, SE-131 27 Nacka Strand, Sweden, or by email to [email protected].

Nomination Committee 2022/23

In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by Dustin’s general meeting, the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed, based on the ownership structure as of 31 March 2023.

  • Marie Ehrling, Axel Johnson AB, Chair of the Nomination Committee
  • Sophie Larsén, AMF Pension & Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chair of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s website. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2021/22

In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by Dustin’s general meeting, the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed, based on the ownership structure as of 31 March 2022.

  • Marie Ehrling, Axel Johnson AB, Chair of the Nomination Committee
  • Tomas Risbecker, AMF Pension & Funds
  • Hans Christian Bratterud, ODIN Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chair of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s website. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2020/21

In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by Dustin’s general meeting, the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed based on the ownership structure as of 31 March 2021, considering shareholding changes thereafter.

  • Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson/Axmedia, Chariman of the committee
  • Tomas Risbecker, AMF Insurance & Funds
  • Jens Browaldh, Altor/Rotla B.V.
  • Hans Christian Bratterud, ODIN Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chairman of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s website. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2019/20

In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee adopted by Dustin’s general meeting the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed based on the ownership structure as of March 31, 2020, considering changes thereafter since Handelsbanken Fonder has increased its ownership.

  • Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson/Axmedia, Chariman of the committee
  • Tomas Risbecker, AMF Insurance & Funds
  • Suzanne Sandler, Handelsbanken Funds
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chairman of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s webpage. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2018/19

In accordance with the decision at Dustin’s annual general meeting in December 2018 the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed based on the ownership structure as of March 31, 2019.

  • Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB, Chairman of the committee
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur Funds
  • Tomas Risbecker, AMF Insurance & Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chairman of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s webpage. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2017/18

In accordance with the decision at Dustin’s general meeting in December 2017 the following members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed based on the ownership structure as of March 31, 2018.

  • Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB, Chariman of the committee
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur Funds
  • Jan Särlvik, Nordea Funds
  • Mia Brunell Livfors, Chairman of the Dustin Board (adjunct)

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s webpage. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2016/17

In accordance with the decision by the general meeting in December 2016, Dustin’s Nomination Committee shall consist of five members. The members should be one representative of each of the four largest shareholders, together with the Chairman of the Dustin Board.

The members of the Nomination Committee have been appointed based on the ownership structure as of March 31, 2017, and consists of:

  • Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB, Chairman of the committee
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur Funds
  • Arne Lööw, The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund
  • Jan Särlvik, Nordea Funds
  • Fredrik Cappelen, Chairman of the Dustin Board

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s webpage. No proposals from shareholders have been received.

Nomination Committee 2015/16

The 2014/2015 Annual General Meeting resolved that, in addition to the Chairman of the Board, the Nomination Committee ahead of the 2015/16 Annual General Meeting should comprise representatives of the four largest shareholders in the company in accordance with the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden at May 31, 2016. The Chairman of the Board is tasked with calling the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The Committee member representing the largest shareholder is to be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The 2015/16 Nomination Committee comprises the following members:

  • Paul Schrotti, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB, Chairman of the committee
  • Risto Siivonen, DG Holding S.à.r.l. (Altor Fund II GP Limited)
  • Jannis Kitsakis, Fjärde AP-fonden
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur funds
  • Fredrik Cappelen, Chairman of the Dustin Board

Nomination Committee 2014/15

At an extraordinary general meeting in January 2015, it was resolved that the Nomination Committee for the next general annual meeting shall consist of representatives of the four largest shareholders listed in the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as of May 31, 2015, and the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall also convene the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The member representing the largest shareholder shall be appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Since one of the largest shareholders declined to appoint a representative, the shareholder that was next in line was contacted. On 17 June 2015, Dustin announced the composition of the Nomination Committee, which consisted of the following members:

  • Fredrik Strömholm, Altor Fund II GP Limited, Chairman of the Committee
  • Paul Schrotti, Axel Johnson AB/Axmedia AB
  • Jannis Kitsakis, Fjärde AP-fonden
  • Lennart Francke, Swedbank Robur fonder
  • Fredrik Cappelen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dustin

Shareholders have been given the opportunity to present proposals and inputs regarding the Nomination Committees’ work in accordance with instructions on Dustin’s webpage. No proposals from shareholders have been received.