
The Board of Directors does not have any specific internal distribution of work except for certain issues being prepared by committees. We have established an Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committee. The members of the committees are elected annually and the duties are regulated in the instructions established for each committee annually. The committees have a preparatory and administrative role. The issues considered at committee meetings are recorded in minutes and reported at the next Board meeting.

Audit committee

The main task of the Audit Committee is to ensure the quality of the financial and corporate responsibility reporting, risk management and efficiency in the company’s internal control and regulatory compliance. 

The Committee currently comprises three members:

•    Johan Fant (Chair)
•    Gunnel Duveblad
•    Morten Strand

Remuneration committee

The main task of the Remuneration Committee is to review and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors pertaining to principles for remuneration of senior executives and long-term incentive programmes.

The Committee currently comprises three members:

•    Tomas Franzén (Chair)
•    Stina Andersson
•    Henrik Theilbjørn