21.5 BSEK

Net sales

-9.9 %

Organic growth

551 MSEK

Adjusted EBITA

332 MSEK


Why invest in Dustin?

We aim to create a good return and long-term value for its shareholders. Historically, the company has proven stable across business cycles. Since the listing in 2015, the market capitalisation has risen by 88 per cent and the company has paid out a total of nearly SEK 800 million to its shareholders.

Our strategy

Growth and margin expansion are the pillars of our strategy for profitable growth – a strategy that is permeated by active corporate responsibility efforts.

Our targets

  • Financial targets
  • Corporate responsibility targets

Financial targets


Fredrik Sätterström

Head of Investor Relations

Mobile +46 70 510 10 22

Email [email protected]

Eva Ernfors

Head of Communication

Mobile +46702586294

Email [email protected]