Enabling the circularity movement

We believe in a circular future and aim to enable a circularity movement of the IT industry. When choosing our offering, using resources wisely, guiding to a more sustainable choice with take back, reuse and recycling we can influence both upstream and downstream in the value chain.

UN Goals

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals


Our policies for responsible business


Our latest Annual and Corporate Responsibility Report

Our 2030 Commitments

We are now launching our 2030 commitments. The targets we commit to stretches throughout the entire value chain and are based on areas recognised as the three main challenges for our society and planet.

Commitments & memberships

Our sustainability and corporate responsibility efforts builds on international guidelines and commitments.

Engaging stakeholders

We believe in an ongoing and open dialogue with our stakeholders. It gives us insights in what is important, how to prioritize and what is expected from us.