Responsible supply chain

Responsible manufacturing for us, it’s a matter of working together with our suppliers, in a transparent manner, for decent working conditions in the value chain. We are committed to ensuring that the products we offer come from manufacturers with a commitment to, expertise in, and ongoing activities for improving the conditions in the value chain

It starts from the Code

Dustin Supplier Code of Conduct sets the bar high for decent working conditions, environmental protection and ethical behaviour. The Code applies to all our suppliers. For some areas the Code goes beyond mere compliance with the law by drawing upon internationally recognized standards to advance social and environmental responsibility. When differences arise between the Code and legal requirements, the stricter position to corporate responsibility matters shall apply, provided it is in accordance with applicable law.

  • Human and Labour Rights
  • Health and Safety
  • Living and Housing Conditions
  • Environmental Protection
  • Legal Compliance and Ethical Business Practices

Dustin Group supports international standards in human rights, labour conditions, the environment and anti-corruption. Conventions and frameworks such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, International Labour Organization (ILO), Fair Labour Association, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Global Compact and Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) have been used as references in preparing this Code. The Code uses also to some extend the structure and contains language from the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, version 6.1.

Find our Code here

Since 2014 we have been carrying out supplier self-assessments and assessing supply chain risks. These tools are efficient in giving a first indication on supplier performance against our Supplier Code of Conduct. A self-assessment is always a supplier’s on evaluation of its performance and therefore we believe that factory audits is a good complementary to further assess and understand the compliance level of a supplier.

We believe that audits and non-conformances identify opportunities for improvement. Even when suppliers face challenges, our team work together closely to build capabilities that help them meet our requirements. Suppliers who are unwilling or unable to improve, will be phased-out.


Non-conformance management and follow-up

We have identified five levels of non-conformance that we use when we follow up how well a supplier lives up to the requirements of Dustin’s Supplier Code of Conduct. Depending on the type of non-conformance and the severity level, the supplier has a certain number of days to correct the non-conformance. A root cause analysis is then carried out and preventive actions are prepared.

Unacceptable finding, with a significant impact that requires immediate corrective actions. This type of non- conformance applies to children or slave labour, immediate danger of injury, bribes and forgery. The non-conformance must be reported to Dustin’s CEO within 24 hours and corrected within 48 hours.

Full violation of the requirement, putting employee health, safety or rights, or the surrounding community at risk. Non-conformance must be corrected within 30 days.

Significant violation of the requirement. The finding indicates a systematic failure in the management system and a lack of control. The impact on employee safety, employee rights or the surrounding community is moderate. Non-conformance must be corrected within 60 days.

A partial violation of the requirement. The finding can be regarded as an isolated case or a random incident. The impact on employee safety, employee rights or the surrounding community is low. Non-conformance must be corrected within 90 days.

An observation that does not constitute non-conformance but can be used in several situations. This could be the absence of sufficient evidence to decide on conformity or non-conformance, the risk of future non-conformance and in cases where there are improvement opportunities.

Responsible sourcing of minerals

There are a several raw materials in electronics, including various mined minerals. While most of our supply chain interactions are with suppliers, who work further down the chain and with smelters, we are committed to responsible sourcing of minerals. We performed regular risk assessments in the supply chain regarding minerals and their origins, especially for our own private label products.

Our Conflict Mineral Policy

We are committed to working toward avoiding Conflict Minerals in our products. Find our policy here.

Dustin Supplier Code of Conduct

Learn more on the conflict minerals requirements we have on our suppliers.

The Responsible Minerals Initiative, RMI

Through our membership in the Responsible Business Alliance, we also support the Responsible Mineral Initiative, RMI. whose programs, tools, and guidance documents help companies address responsible sourcing issues for minerals in their supply chains.