Executive Management
The CEO is responsible for Dustin’s day-to-day management and daily operations. The division of work between the Board and the CEO is set out in the rules of procedure for the Board and instructions to the CEO.
The CEO reports to the Board of Directors and ensures that the Board receives the information required to be able to make well-founded decisions. Pursuant to the adopted instructions, the CEO must keep the Board continuously informed about the development of the company’s operations, the sales trend, the company’s earnings and financial position, liquidity projections, important business events, as well as all other events, circumstances or conditions that may be considered material to the company’s operations. Dustin’s CEO leads the Group Management’s work and makes decisions pertaining to the operations in consultation with other senior executives in the Group.
At the end of the financial year, Group Management comprised nine individuals with each member holding responsibility for one of the Group’s business areas or functions.