The composition of the Board of Directors and remuneration

The Board of Dustin has seven members, who have been elected for the period up to the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The table below shows the members of the Board, when they were first elected to the Board, remuneration (decided by the Annual General Meeting 2023/24) and information about their independence in relation to the company and the group management, and the major shareholders, respectively.

Board members Positions Elected Director fees (SEK)* Independent in
relation to principal owners
Independent in
relation to the company
and company management
Tomas Franzén Chair 2013 815 000 No Yes
Stina Andersson Member 2020 475 000 Yes Yes
Gunnel Duveblad Member 2016 512 000 Yes Yes
Johan Fant Member 2016 580 000 No Yes
Hanna Graflund Sleyman Member 2024 435 000 No Yes
Morten Strand Member 2017 512 000 Yes Yes
Henrik Theilbjørn Member 2024 475 000 Yes Yes

* Including remuneration for work in board committees.

In addition to the above presented fees, a meeting fee payment of SEK 20,000 is issued for each physical meeting that the Board holds in Sweden to the members of the Board that reside in Europe outside the Nordics.